Sonic Blog

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Monday, April 04, 2005

Bob Solanović

Robert Solanović, simply known as Bob, is one of the top Croatian comic artists, which is (to be fair) not a hard thing to accomplish, because we don't have many of them...

With the great proudness that Bob is my friend, I'm posting here some of his works. First, I wanna point out that he is not just an author, but he's still a comic fanboy, too. You can see that well in his works, and what's more important, you can actually feel his general passion for comics in his drawnings.

Go for big picture!

His most popular character is Mister Meow. He created the character some ten years ago and one of Mr. Meow's adventures was once published in the States by Radio Comix.

In Croatia, Bob is currently working on his second Mr. Meow Hard Cover Collection and, in the same time, he draws short comic Kljunovi (The Beaks) for the Q Magazine, the only regular croatian comic magazine.

Allthough, he's not a teenager anymore, Solanović is one of the authors that forms the youngest wave of comic authors from Croatia. Maybe, you've heard of some of them. That wave includes the late artist Edvin Biuković (Human Target), known writer Darko Macan (Grendel Tales), known paiter Esad Ribić (Loki) and fellow artists Goran Sudžuka (Y-The Last Man) and Goran Parlov (Black Widow). They all live (or lived, when it comes to the tragical loss of the talent that was late Biuković) in Croatia's capitol Zagreb and Bob belongs among them, but his time on the global (some would say - American) comic scene is yet to come.

He allready did some preliminary sketches for one US publisher, but the title was cancelled due to the publisher's other interests. Anyway, the future does look very bright for him, as he is drawing comics for local Croatian and Serbian markets and still waiting to be discovered by the publishers in the States.

Bob's X-massCard 2004

More Bob's works can be found at ActionTrip Comics Archive (in English) and at (in Croatian language).

Soon to come - one complete web comic: The Adventure of Mister Meow!
Please check later this week!


  • aaaaaaaah, nema me par dana da overim blog i odma` se pojavi par exkluziva koji mi ulepshaju dan. neke stvari od dragog nam druga boba sam imao prilike za videti ali me ova svecka premijera mister machak naslovnjache izrazito obradova. malko sam bio razocharan bobovim bojama u onoj epizodi MMa iz munje ali ovo je bash ono shto i ochekivah/nadah se. mIIIIIIIIIIIIlina. fino, jednostavno te oku ugodno. takve se palete traze:)
    jedva chekam da to osvane kao naslovnjacha i full size 52x37(ilitakoneshto:) promo poster!
    nadam se da tje u jednom trenutku MM dostitji tako zvezdane trenutke da tje sebi motji da dopusti makar jedan kolorni specijalac godishnje jer to svojim kvalitetom sigurno zasluzuje.
    do tada strpljivo chekam na sledetji blek end vajt HC i vrebam bobeka na crshu za nove crteze!:)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:38 AM  

  • I can't read enough Croatian to follow most of your posts, but this looks like a really interesting, fun blog. I'm always glad to see more non-Anglophone/bilingual bloggers pop up on the list.

    And I love Bob's darling picture of Wolverine!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:24 AM  

  • rose, thank you for your kind comment. i'll go with the english posting in the future because more people'd be able to follow the blog then. and, definitely, i'll always post as many pictures/drawning as possible. :-)

    in a couple of days or so, i hope to be able to scan and translate on english one of bob's five-page mr.moew comic.
    oh, and the wolvie sketch is a kind of bob's autoportrait! ;-)

    By Blogger Radio 808, at 6:44 AM  

  • Zoran, I think it's the button-down shirt and pants that make him such a cute Wolverine. It does look like a frustrated worker Wolverine, so I'm not surprised it's a self-portrait.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:59 AM  

  • Jebote, zveles, jezici idu s "in" ne "on" ... "In English", "In Croatian", etc ... Druge grjesske visse-manje...:)


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:11 PM  

  • bas sam tio i ja staviti da imas ovi gresaka kad me mcn pretece :)
    anyways, i'm gonna follow you in your course of action and start writing in english aswell, so anyone reading Sonic Blog can come to and see a nice text about Mirko Ilic ... in a week or so...
    a ti mcn, mogao bi s vremena na vrijeme odgovoriti na emailove umjesto da ucis ljude engleskom >:(

    By Blogger Emir, at 12:17 PM  

  • previdio, al sad je ispravljeno! :-)
    zapravo je vrlo zajebato ovdje preko bloggera - prvo: server je sporiji nego da si na modemu. a drugo, ovaj template koji sam izabrao i vise ga nema smisla mijenjati - svojom velicinom nije kompatibilan s velicinom stranice bloggera, tako da stranice slazem "na slijepo", odnosno tek kad ih postam mogu vidjeti jel sve na svom mjestu. onda, nakon svega, vidim neke sitne greske u tekstu, ali ih obicno vise nemam volje/zivaca ispravljati... ;-)

    By Blogger Radio 808, at 1:14 PM  

  • eh, da. emir je u pravu. bolje napravi nesto konstruktivno, pa, recimo, posalji na mail koji teaser za q da ga postam ovdje! ;-)

    By Blogger Radio 808, at 1:19 PM  

  • U shit, zar je vrijeme za novi Q?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:30 AM  

  • OK,
    chekovali smo lejter da vidimo tu najavljenu MM epizodu ali nishta od toga. ajmo zveles brze to malO!:)))

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:11 AM  

  • bice, bice... ne znam kad, ali bice. jbga, entuzijazam i zelje uvijek trce pred rudo... ;-)
    nego, nije to nikakva posebna ekskluziva niti nova epizoda. tek toliko da se mistar macak ovdje baci na engleskom za one milijune posjetitelja koji blog prate iz udaljenih zemalja amerike, australije i japana. :-)

    By Blogger Radio 808, at 8:45 AM  

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